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Syncee - Logo

Syncee is a global dropshipping platform, which links retailers with suppliers, headquartered in Hungary. It was founded in 2015 by Akos Gulyas.


Pásti u. 2,
Debrecen 4025

Website: https://syncee.co/

Contacts for Wholesale Inquiries

For Reselling inquiries

Website for Reselling inquiries: https://syncee.co/marketplace/...

For Suppliers

Website for Suppliers: https://syncee.co/suppliers/...

Profiles and Links:

Key People

  • Akos Gulyas
    Akos Gulyas

    Akos Gulyas

    Country: Hungary
    Company: Syncee
    Position: Founder and CEO
    Born: 1981 (age 42 years)

    Akos Gulyas
    Akos Gulyas
    Akos Gulyas

    Akos Gulyas

    Country: Hungary
    Company: Syncee
    Position: Founder and CEO
    Born: 1981 (age 42 years)

    , Founder and CEO